In doing those activities the students are given opportunities to demonstrate values such as commitment, curiosity, independence and creativity, develop skills like Thinking skills, Self management and Research skills. We also encourage the students to reflect the qualities of profile; Knowledgeable, Inquirer and Communicator. In addition to that, we encourage our students to understand the theme with their own multiple intelligences. Thus, our students have various ideas to share their understanding about this theme, such as make a presentation, a puppet show, riddles, etc.
Some learning experiences that the students have undergone which should be connected to the inquiries were that each group concentrated on the topics “The life cycle of plants (seed and non-seed), animals (give birth and lay eggs) and human”. Having explored the topics and written their observation results in their daily science journal, the students exchanged their findings by visiting different class and presenting their findings and also sharing their experiences in working on it. As summative assessment the students wrote a scientific report in a form of a booklet containing information about the coverage of those three inquiries mentioned at the first place.